We are certified with IMC Singapore (Institute of Management Consultants) as a Registered Management Consultant (*RMC).
This enables us to work with SMEs seeking support from Enterprise Singapore (ESG, the newly merged Spring Singapore and Enterprise Singapore) in their branding improvement journeys.
ESG provides funding to SMEs by way of their Enterprise Development Grant scheme (EDG) providing up to 70% of funding for approved projects.
If you’re interested in exploring funding potential please do get in touch with us here and / or check out ESGs guiding notes for applications here.
*RMC (Registered Management Consultant) is a SPRING-Recognised certification programme for management consultants aligned to TR 43:2015 Management Consultants Standard. It has been put together by Certified Managements Consultants of the Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore), a non-profit organization, with the objective to recognise skills, knowledge and competency in the field of management consultancy, and promote high standards of professional and ethical conduct by Registered Management Consultants of the management consulting profession. The RMC is a mark of quality and professionalism developed by Certified Management Consultants for Management Consultants.